Introducing Uppers (6th-8th) Projects Class at the Green River

In 6th, 7th, and 8th grade (Uppers) we have a class called Projects Class. In this class students are required to engage in the creative process, responding to open-ended and structured prompts.  The course is designed to enhance these qualities:  passion, ambition, initiative, perseverance, and collaboration. Though the course is filled with amazing products, the pedagogical emphasis is largely on process, on how students solve the problems. We ask the students to examine these three areas in creating their solutions: 

  • How do you get good ideas?

  • How can you make those ideas happen?

  • How can you balance ambition and practicality?

In this year’s first full week of school, as part of our introduction to Projects Class, we took our first of many Uppers field trips or learning opportunities that occur off campus.  This one brought us to the Green River in Colrain. The weather was perfect and spirits were high as we headed out to the spot. We gathered in a circle to set ground rules, check in with each other and hear about the schedule for the day. 

The first activity was a small group challenge: using found materials, mostly natural, collaborate with your group to create a Tiny Town.! Kids got right to work sharing ideas, gathering rocks, branches, bark, leaves and other materials. Some Tiny Towns had residents living on the banks of the river, others were built on rocks in the river. Some groups worked together seamlessly, some had to work through some challenges.

After 30 minutes of building, we toured each town, gave compliments and posed for photos. After the creation of Tiny Towns, we ate lunch and then settled into an activity called “sit spots”. Each student finds a quiet spot to sit quietly alone for 20 minutes. It was amazing the things we noticed while quieting our bodies and minds: the river rushing, birds singing, the first leaves changing colors, the spider webs catching the sunlight, the waves lapping on the shore.. After sit spots we broke into groups for choice time: swimming, rock dam building and exploring the banks of the river.  It was such a beautiful day filled with new friendships, shared projects and enjoyment of nature. 


Building Community Through Field Trips in the Mups


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