Dancing Primes Move Together (Toddlers)

This is a phrase we use a lot in the Dancing Primes, especially during the first several weeks of school when we are still learning how to be a community together. We teach the Dancing Primes the importance of us all moving together as a group so we can be safe, teachers can effectively take care of kids, and the smallest/slowest friends are not left behind.  We teach them that it is fun and important to move together, that waiting can be hard, and help them find appropriate ways to channel their energy when they want to move before the whole group is ready. As we navigate bigger areas of our school such as going to All School assemblies, hiking up Grasshopper Hill, playing in the woods, riding bikes, visiting the Forest and Lumber Primes, etc., it is important that we have norms and expectations for how we move as a group.  Young preschoolers love to move, are often intrigued by the world around them, and it can be difficult to all move together at a pace that is comfortable for the whole group. As teachers, we have begun teaching the concept of “We Move Together” in a fun and understandable way so that we can explore safely and with respect for each other.  

This week we introduced the book, We Move Together by Kelly Fritsch, Anne McGuire, and Eduardo Trejos. We started by just looking at a few pages at a time and repeating the important line of, “We move together.” The book beautifully illustrates the importance of taking care of each other and embracing and celebrating all types of bodies, abilities, and cultures. The book talks about ideas of fairness, justice, and equal opportunities for all. For our youngest Center Schoolers, we are working on exposing them to these images and concepts and helping them relate what they see in the book to their own lives.  We see images of people in wheelchairs, people building ramps, people creating signs, helping the environment, and much much more.  

In addition to reading this book, we are singing the song “The More We Get Together” which is a classic that incorporates sign language into the words of the song.  Lately, we have heard students request this song. Before we go out of the classroom together, we remind the kids that, “We all move together,” as a sort of chant for the class. They happily sign for “together” and many can be heard saying, “We move together.” We are noticing children that had a hard time a few weeks ago staying with the group are now looking back when walking, checking in, stopping, and waiting for their friends and teachers. We are creating trust and safety with each other and we are so proud of the Dancing Primes ability to learn these important lessons. Look out for us moving together on top of Grasshopper Hill or biking over bridges in the front of the building!


Embracing Playful Learning: A Constructivist Perspective on Games in the Mups (2nd/3rd)


Wild Edible Investigations in the Lumber Primes (K/1)