Research Writing in Mups Orange (2nd/3rd)

In recent weeks, the Mups class has been diving deep into the process of research writing as part of our ongoing work in Writers Workshop. The goal has been to help students develop skills in gathering, organizing, and presenting information on topics of personal interest, while also engaging with the specific features of non-fiction texts.

Our journey began by polling students on topics they were curious about. The responses were diverse, ranging from tigers to mechanical engineering, hamsters, and Greek mythology. This variety gave each student a chance to connect with their writing in a meaningful way. After collecting this feedback, I visited the local library to gather relevant non-fiction books on their chosen topics, ensuring that students had access to quality source material for their research.

Next, we conducted a "book walk," during which we explored different non-fiction texts and focused on their key text features: diagrams, maps, glossaries, and more. The purpose of this exercise was to help students understand how these features function to support a reader's understanding of the content. We discussed questions such as: How do text features help the reader? This exploration helped students recognize how non-fiction writing is structured to support clarity and comprehension.

With this foundational knowledge in mind, students then began reading their source material closely, marking important information with sticky notes. They also created "mind maps" to organize their thoughts and identify the key details they wanted to include in their writing. This step was essential for helping students synthesize the information they had gathered and start forming an outline for their pieces.

Once students had outlined their ideas, they began drafting their research papers in their Writers Workshop notebooks. They focused on organizing their writing logically and clearly, with attention to detail and accuracy. Students also had the opportunity to create their own text features—such as diagrams and labels—to accompany their written work, reflecting the non-fiction texts they had studied.

As we move into the next phase of our research writing unit, students will be focusing on revision and editing. This stage will provide an opportunity for students to refine their drafts, focusing on clarity, structure, and presentation. The goal is to help them recognize that writing is a process that involves thoughtful revision and that good writing is shaped through careful editing and reflection.


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